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The Fitness Edge: How to Get Recommendations That Work for You

Great Health | If you’re in the market for a new fitness regimen, you might be wondering what the best way to go about finding one is. You could ask friends or family, but with so many different opinions out there, it can be hard to figure out what would actually work best for you. 

Luckily, an independent research firm called Fitness Edge has found that there are actually three different types of people in this world, and their recommendations are based on which of these types you fall into. Here’s how to determine your type, and which of their recommendations would be right for you!

The Fitness Edge: How to Get Recommendations That Work for You
The Fitness Edge: How to Get Recommendations That Work for You

Know your personal preferences

It's one thing to ask someone if they like a certain kind of workout, but you're more likely to get an honest response by asking what type of workouts they don't like. If a friend recommends a fitness class, and you know that he or she has never gone before, that might tell you something. 

And if that same friend takes you to his favorite restaurant and then insists on paying your bill, be careful! People are often more generous with other people's money than their own—you may end up spending more at that restaurant than you would have if it were your own cash on the line. It's easier than ever for fitness edge recommendation today. It is also very important as well because many fitness centers today are creating specific programs just for busy executives.

Look at activity tracking recommendations

The first thing you need to do is look at what activity tracking recommendations are already out there. Fitness Edge is a pretty cool site that looks at activity trackers and reviews them, but also makes lists of what kinds of people will benefit from different activity trackers. For example, if you’re interested in something simple like keeping track of your steps or sleep patterns, an app on your phone can provide all that info without too much overhead (or cost). If you want a fitness tracker that monitors more advanced fitness information—like muscle mass, heart rate and pulse—an entry-level fitness tracker won’t cut it. You might need something like a Fitbit or Fuelband, which also tell time and make it easy to keep up with appointments.

Research other people’s experiences

The Fitness Edge is our personalized recommendation and we use science, data, and technology to find what’s best for you. If you’re trying to decide whether an activity or purchase is worth it—you should get a recommendation first. But don’t just take someone else’s word for it—research their experience by finding reviews on Amazon or looking at other people's Twitter/Instagram posts. These days, everyone has a voice and influence. Make sure that voices are credible! And when they aren't, look around elsewhere until you do find credible sources.

Break it down into steps

The Fitness Edge is a simple, five-step process. Follow these steps and you can get any recommendation your heart desires. Ready? Here they are... 

1) Don't be intimidated by people who make fitness recommendations; 

2) Make sure that you're working with someone who has experience in your field; 

3) Don't be afraid to ask questions; 

4) Research and compare; 

5) Stay on top of it.

Have fun

There’s no denying that fitness is fun. People want to get fit and stay healthy, after all. If you’re looking for a fitness edge or need recommendations on fitness tools, equipment or techniques that will help you improve your fitness level while also improving your health and well-being, check out our Recommended Fitness Products list. 

Here you can find customer reviews of the best products in categories like yoga mats, jump ropes and even dog treadmills! It’s an easy way to have fun while getting fit!

Track your progress

Sure, it can be a little obsessive-compulsive, but knowing how far you’ve come—and how much work you have left to do—can keep you motivated and energized when times get tough. Be sure to record your workout progress every day; that way, if you fall off track, you can see exactly where you went wrong. Over time, your fitness edge will become so ingrained in your routine that it’s almost impossible not to follow through.

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