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12 Health Benefits of Black Seed (Black Cumin), What Are | They? Good Doctor | Health Tips, Chat Doctors, Buy Medicine Online

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You may have heard of black seed or known jua as black cumin (nigella sativa). This plant grows a lot in the Middle East or Eastern Europe.

So, for more information about black seed? Come on, see the next one below. History of black seed Blacksmithing. Photo Source:

Black seed is one of the herbal medicines that has been widely recognized for its advantages. This plant is widely cultivated in Pakistan & India and as a traditional medicine in the area.

Over the years, the immigration process helped the cultivation of such crops spread widely to Eastern Europe > North America.

Black seed for the Muslim community is relatively familiar, in some countries this plant is claimed to also use the names shuniz, khodhira, black cumin, or black caraway.

Black seed has many health benefits & also as a cosmetic ingredient, such as helping with Benefits of the gym for thin women weight loss, improving skin conditions, and even treating cancer and diabetes. The content of black cumin

Black cumin contains thymoquinone, which is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound that also has tumor-reducing properties.

You can take it in liquid form to drink, capsules or oil that is applied to the skin. In addition, also make a dough of massage oil, shampoo, skin care products, and fragrances. Black cumin packaging form

Usually black cumin is packaged in the form of capsules, a thick liquid resembling honey to drink, or there is also a liquid and gel that is applied personally to the skin.

This oil is also added to processed dishes and make beauty care products. Various benefits of black seed

There are poly benefits of black seed that you can feel, from fitness matters to disease prevention. Some of these are:1. Lose weight

Studies have shown that black seed oil can help with weight loss.

A review published in the Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders in 2013 found that black cumin or black seed could be effective in overcoming obesity.

In addition, this black seed oil can reduce risk factors in some obese people.

The benefits of black cumin can be obtained by incorporating black seed oil into the diet program consumed (low calorie). As a result, weight loss & triglyceride levels in the body. two. Benefits for the skin

Black cumin or black seed is beneficial for you using skin requirements such as the following:

  • Eczema: According to a mini-scale study conducted in 2013, explaining the benefits of black seed oil can reduce eczema on the hands.
  • Acne: Antimicrobials and anti-inflammatories based on black seed oil can cure acne. In one study 58 percent of participants said the treatment worked, while 35 percent had enough.

In one black cumin seed contains 15 types of amino acids, proteins, Ca, FE, Na, K using the active content of thymoquinone, dithymouinone, thymohydroquimone, tyhmol which have been shown to increase immunity & prevent premature aging.

Thymoquinone is one of the ingredients in black cumin seeds which is useful for destroying toxins in the body, increasing endurance and increasing nutrients for the skin and body.

The combination of black seed with honey and olive oil can even be a natural ingredient that has been used for thousands of years later and is good for daily necessities and skincare.3. Lower cholesterol

Other studies have shown that supplementation with black cumin or black seed, can increase a significant decrease in cholesterol and blood triglycerides.

Another study in 57 diabetics told that adding black cumin for one year lowered the total based on LDL cholesterol.4. Kills dursila bacteria

The bacteria that cause disease are among the longest-standing lists of dangerous infections, ranging from hearing infections to pneumonia.

Some studies have found that black seed may have antibacterial properties &is effective in fighting exclusive bacteria.5. Reduces inflammation

In most cases, inflammation is a normal immune response that helps protect the body against injuries and infections. On the other hand, chronic inflammation is believed to contribute to various diseases, for example cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

Some studies have also found that black seed may have a powerful anti-inflammatory impact on the body.

In one study with a sample of 42 people with rheumatoid arthritis, and taking 1,000 mg of black seed oil daily for eight weeks reduced signs of inflammation.

Similarly, thymoquinone, the active compound in black seed is believed to help reduce inflammation in pancreatic cancer cells.

Regardless of these promising results, most studies in people are limited to people with certain conditions. More research is needed to know how black seed can affect inflammation generically.6. Protects the liver organs

The liver is a very crucial organ. Its function is important to eliminate toxins, process nutrients & produce proteins and chemicals that are very crucial for the body.

Several studies conducted in fauna have found that black cumin seeds can help protect the liver against injury and damage.

Other studies have also shown that black cumin also protects mice against induced liver damage.7. Regulates blood sugar

High blood sugar can cause negative poly symptoms, including increased thirst, accidental weight loss, fatigue &difficulty concentrating.

If left in the long term, high blood sugar can lead to more serious consequences, such as nerve damage, vision changes, and slow wound healing.

Some evidence suggests that black cumin seeds may help keep blood sugar as stable. Thus preventing you from being exposed to harmful side effects based on high blood sugar.

One review based on seven studies revealed that supplementation using black cumin seeds could raise blood sugar levels as normal.8. The benefits of black seed for the stomach

No one knows that black cumin is relatively effective for overcoming a number of things in the digestive system, including the stomach. The benefits of black seed for the stomach cannot be separated from the content it has.

Black cumin is believed to relieve signs and treat wounds caused by inflammation in the stomach. The condition usually occurs due to hyperbolic acid levels, as a result of which it causes the stomach walls to be irritated.

Black seed can also help protect the lining of the stomach & prevent the formation of wounds due to the inflammation.9. Maintaining beauty

In addition to being able to overcome acne cases, the impact of anti-microbials and anti-inflammatories according to black seed can also be another solution.

Based on a study, 58% of participants who used this oil as an acne medicine stated that the response to the treatment was good.

In addition, black cumin in the form of oil is also considered to be able to moisturize hair and soften the skin.10. The benefits of black cumin in sperm

In a clinical trial of several men who had poor quality sperm, it was found that the use of black seed oil could improve movement & the quality of sperm became more fertile.

Increases sperm count, as well as raises the volume of sperm water itself.11. Benefits of black seed for promil

In addition to the many properties above, black cumin is also suitable for those of you who are undergoing a pregnancy or promil event, you know. The benefits of black seed for promil cannot be separated from the content in it.

According to a 2019 study, in addition to increasing sperm production, black cumin can also optimize the mobility of follicles and support the release of sex hormones such as testosterone and progesterone.

That way, the chances of conception until pregnancy are higher.12. Benefits for rheumatoid arthritis

The benefits of black cumin in the form of oil are also believed to help the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

In a study conducted with participants, several women with mild &moderate levels of rheumatoid arthritis were given black cumin oil capsules or a placebo every day for one month.

The results show that the gift of black cumin oil can reduce signs of arthritis in the form of inflammation &swelling of the joints.13. Other benefits of black cumin

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