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Here Are 15 Benefits of Sperm For Women

Spermatozoids or sperm cells or spermatozoa (from according to antique Greek: σπέρμα meaning seed, &ζῷον yg meaning biological beings) are cells based on the male reproductive system .

BRITO.ID, JAMBI NEWS - Spermatozoids or sperm cells or spermatozoa (from based on ancient Greek: σπέρμα meaning seed, & ζῷον yg meaning biological beings) are cells of the male reproductive system . Sperm cells will fertilize the ovum to create a zygote. A zygote is a cell using complete chromosomes that will develop as an embryo.

Human sperm cells are cells of the main male reproductive system . Sperm cells have a male or female gender. Human sperm cells consist according to the head of five μm x three μm & tail 50 μm. Sperm cells were first examined by student Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in 1677.

Sperm has the shape of a tadpole and is divided into three parts: the head, neck and tail. This elongated head is relatively flat with a core (core). The neck connects the chairman with the middle. While the tail serves to advance, the tail is approximately 10 times the length.

The order of sperm cell growth (spermatogenesis) is as follows: spermatogonia (separation 2), first spermatocyte (separation 2), second spermatocyte (separation 2), spermatid & adult in spermatozoa (sperm).

In normal adult men, the process of spermatogenesis involves all life, although its quality and quantity decrease with age.

In marital interactions, I often see in movies, when the male ejaculates, sperm is injected into the woman's mouth, and the woman swallows her partner's sperm altogether. My office friends often say the same thing, they say that male sperm has many positive benefits for the body.

I summarized the literature found on the internet through the Google search engine, incidentally Google's birthday founder Sergey Brin up to & including 40 (data based on Ellen Maringka's mba article titled "agitating 'google", The Phenomenal Sergey Brin "& friends of the story agency, & the results summarize the side effects or benefits of swallowing male sperm, i leave it to this article.

Here are 15 Benefits of Semen for Women:

1. Calcium is useful for helping bone & tooth growth. Maintain nerve &muscular function.

2. Citric Acid is useful for preventing blood clots that occur in the body.

three. Creatine is useful for burning fat in the body and helps increase energy, which is useful for creating muscle.

4. Fructose is useful to prevent diabetes mellitus.

five. Glutathione is useful for cancer prevention / anti-cancer & so that blood clots do not occur when operated on.

6. Inositol is useful for strengthening hair and preventing loss.

7. Lactic Acid is useful for the Benefits of the gym for thin women treatment of burns and surgical wounds.

8. Lipids play a role in burning body fat.

9. Pyruvic Acid is useful for fertilizing.

10. Sorbitol can help people with constipation.

11. Urea is useful for removing excess nitrogen contained in our body.

12. Uric Acid is an antidote to diabetes, but please note that the consumption of uric acid which is too much produces in gout & body pain.

13. Sulfur creates skin so sweet &smooth.

14. Vitamin B12 is useful for increasing energy and stamina of the body

15. Zinc to treat acne that is scattered on the face.

And These Are The Benefits Of Men's Semen For Women's Face

Not surprisingly, poly research tries to examine some cells & substances in sperm and even develop into products that are worth using. One of them is cosmic.

In sperm there is a crystalline polymer composition called Spermine. This compound is known as an antioxidant that is beneficial for eliminating wrinkles on the face, softening the skin & preventing acne-prone skin.

Norwegian beauty maker Bioforskning synthesizes the composition on the shape of the face cream. According to Bioforskning research, "spermine" cream has properties 30 times more effective than vitamin E & the aging process can be slowed down by up to 20 percent.

So it will definitely work, Bioforskning is trying to make a breakthrough product for 250 USD or the equivalent of using RP two.five million.

In addition to the beneficial influence on the health of the skin, it is assumed that sperm reduce the stress level of a woman.

A study conducted by the State University of New York found that women who were sexually affiliated without the use of condoms & "exposed" to a partner's sperm had low stress levels.

It is said in the study that sperm have natural antidepressant substances that are able to improve the state of mind. These substances include prolactin, oxytocin and serotonin.

Maybe the efficacy of this one sperm will surprise you. According to the "Natural Harvest-A Collection of Semen-Based Recipes", cement can also be useful for food because of its nutritious substance content.

In the book, it is said that cement is the most "cheap" ingredient that can put food "an uploading taste".

Maybe that's the article about "The Benefits of Semen for Women" that we can convey on this occasion, Hopefully what we have conveyed on this occasion, Hopefully what we have conveyed is useful. (*)

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