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In addition to the Physical, 7 Benefits of Exercise for Adolescent Girls

Did Mama know that girls are inferior to participating in sports than boys at any age? And girls who engage in sports also give up earlier than boys?

According to a study conducted for more than 25 years from the Women's Sports Foundation, girls have 1.3 million fewer opportunities to play sports in high school than boys.

Then at the age of 14, there are 2 times more girls who stop exercising than boys. As Mama knows, exercise has benefits related to children's physical, social-emotional, and achievements.

if the teenage girl mama has a low interest in sports, this time will discuss 7 benefits of sports for girls. Let's tell the children to be interested and enthusiastic about exercising!1. Sports teach children togetherness &peer bonding

A national survey conducted by the Women's Sports Foundation (WSF) of more than a thousand girls ages 7 to 13 asked what they like best according to playing sports. The top answer is "Make friends & feel part of the team."

A dissimilar survey of more than 10,000 girls by grade 5 to grade 12, which was formed by ruling Our eXperiences (ROX) & NCAA's claimed "The Girls' Index," found that, overall female athletes used social media at higher rates according to their peers, but experienced less sadness and depression.

In an era of social isolation & mental health cases, such as comparison anxiety triggered by social media, peer bonding & a sense of community can be felt by children when they are on a sports team.2. Sports teach children the meaning of failure

Unlike other teenage activities, sports show clearly that there is a win and there is also a loss. The child will feel like they are falling and getting back up when they enter the game.

There is also a valuable lesson when ending a sports match, where every kid who Benefits of the gym for thin women competes shakes hands or highs up with his opponent & says "Good game".

"Sport gives children the experience of learning to win using sportsmanship & getting defeat without creating that experience is proportionate. He learned to separate the output of the game on one game according to value into exclusive," WSF wrote in his research.

Wouldn't it be nice to see your daughter apply that lesson in a whole social or academic setback?

Editors' Picks3. Sports teach children to compete in a healthy way

When asked by the WSF what teenagers like most about sports, three-quarters of women said "competition".

"Competitiveness, including likes to win, competing with other teams/individuals, and even friendly rivalries among teammates, is one of the main reasons young women think about why the sport is 'fun'." According to the researchers.

The researchers also noted that if a woman does not play sports, then she has no experience with the "trial and error" method of investigating new skills &positions, & tends to lack confidence.

As shown by research published in JAMA Pediatrics, the children who are most healthy, motivated, and successful in life are those who have a growth mindset.

This means that he believes things like academic achievement & athletic ability, are not permanent traits but acquired skills, which can be achieved through hard work & perseverance. Sports can teach teenage mamas that talents can be honed and developed, both in the classroom and on the field.4. Exercise improves mental health

Maybe mama had previously understood the physical benefits of exercise. But exercise has benefits for the mental health of teenage girls.

According to the WSF, girls who exercise have a higher level of self-religion and self-esteem, and they report a higher state of psychological well-being and a lower level of depression than non-athletes.

"Children who exercise are less likely to take drugs and they experience fewer emotional and behavioral problems," according to James Hudziak, M.D., director of the Vermont Center for Children, Youth and Families.

Playing sports, especially in the form of teams, has been shown to mediate psychological matters, according to research published in The Journal of Sports Science & Medicine.lima. Exercise puts great physical health

When adolescents start doing regular exercise, it is often associated with a lower risk of obesity, stronger bones, and a lower Body Mass Index (BMI) or body mass index. Not only that, but the child's physical health is also getting higher

According to Mississippi's pediatric practice The Children's Medical Group, teenage girls who exercise have stronger immune systems and experience a reduced risk of chronic diseases later in life such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes &endometrium, grand intestines, & breast cancer.6. Sports raise academic grades

According to research according to the WSF, high school girls who exercise are more likely to get better grades in school &are more likely to graduate than girls who do not exercise.

Researchers on "The Girls' Index" also support this. They found that "girls who exercise have a higher GPA and have a higher opinion about their abilities and competencies.

Then 61 percent of high school girls who had a homogeneous grade point above 4.0 playing time on a sports team.

In addition, girls involved in sports are 14% more likely to believe they are good enough for their virtual careers, and 13% are more likely to consider a career in math &/or science.7. Sports increase the popularity of children

According to, girls who join sports teams have greater popularity among peers. Like male athletes, female athletes of this time were no less popular.

Sports can get girls into the often complicated social level of high school. The Go Out and Play study found the increase in popularity associated with engaging in sports was evident among primary and middle school children.

So, those were the seven benefits of exercise for teenage girls. Sports are activities for anyone, as well as the benefits produced. So there is nothing wrong for Mama to start inviting children to exercise regularly.

Start with sports activities that attract children's attention, & if the child is happy, try to develop it by registering on the sports team. Don't forget to always provide support to children when training & at the time of competition.

Read more:

  • 5 Sports Suitable for Teenage Girls
  • 9 Types of Sports That Can Be a New Hobby for Children
  • 6 Simple Exercises That Can Be Done With Children at Home

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