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Shaikh's Advice, Here Are the Advantages of Polygamy Benefits for Female Wives

There is an interesting discussion about the Benefits of Polygamy for Wives in Islam. Yes, The problem of ta'addud (more than one wife) is a case that the western world attacks Islam with it needs its own struggle to explain it.

If possible, even though they do ta'addud using an illegitimate method, while in Islam they are ta'addud in a halal way. Is it true that more than one wife is just out of sheer lust?? It became a grand question for the perpetrator of more than one wife.

Shaikh Uthman al-khamis - hafidzahullah - a cleric from Kuwait told a story, telling a story to a student who studied in Japan, he had a female lecturer who was a member of the anti-polygamy movement, the lecturer was old, he criticized polygamy in Islam.

Benefits of more than one wife for wifeThe Benefits of Polygamy for Wives

The wisdom behind polygamy seems to be mandatory to be broadcast to all Muslims. It is not a prohibition because Allah also regulates it in the Koran.

The Student asked about the loving interaction of a man with another woman besides his wife in the form of courtship, the female lecturer said, " nothing as long as they are happy".

The student said, that it is the same as using more than one wife in Islam, only the difference is in Islam to marry legally, as for what you do is without any marriage ties.

They criticize Islam, even though what they do is much uglier based on what they criticize.

Is a woman happier to be a valid Wife or is it a lover without ties? Is It True That Polygamy Hurts The First Wife?

The benefits of polygamy for the wife. Polygamy undoubtedly hurts The first wife, The first wife must be at a loss if her husband is polygamous.

Once only I was loved, now you share
It used to be that every day together, now the days must be divided
It used to be that I was just someone, now I am no longer alone.

That's how my thoughts used to be, & when i read the book by Shaikh Mustafa as-siba'i –rahimahullah, if there is no error of the title,

"Al-Mar'ah Wal Qanun (Women and Laws)", I know that ta'addud resulted in mudharat for the first wife, but because the problem was more grand, in the form of kindness for the 2nd wife, kindness to society generically, like a widow there who married her & bore her life & her children.

So Islam allows, because its benefit is greater based on madharat, its goodness is more poly based on bad. That changed instantly, I finally found out that ta'addud was a maslahat & kindness to the first wife as well. The Story of a Wife Who Complained About Her Husband's Polygamy...

I went to campus driving my old-school four-wheeled vehicle, understandably a student four-wheeled vehicle, but even though the example was worn out the run was still fast.

Usually while driving I hear the Idza'atul Quran radio or lectures and lessons from the scholars via mp3...

Instead of being upset with saudi drivers at red lights it's better to hear useful ones, Saudis if they drive at will, the highway is dikirain shahra' (desert).

At that time in Idza'atul Quran there was shaikh Said bin Musfir Al-Qahtani -hafidzahullah- a famous Da'i in Saudi Arabia. Shaikh Said told the story of a woman who called him in tears.

Hadith the virtues of polygamy

What happened? It turned out that he was pitted, not the sweetness of honey that was felt but the bitterness of bile, because the bitterness was no longer restrained, tears flowed down on their own.

Shaikh asked him, "Are you glad your husband committed adultery using another woman or married to her?"

"Aren't you busy washing, cooking, taking care of the children and arranging the household every Benefits of the gym for thin women day?"

"Is it a mistake if your duty is shared with your Muslim sister, so that you are on a day that your husband is not with you, you can fast the sunnah that you may have left because of taking care of your husband, read the Quran which is hindered by your work a lot, the evening prayers that you cannot do because you are with your husband".

The benefits of polygamy for wives A month ago...

Kriing, kriing... the phone rang.

It turned out that the woman was on the phone again.

" Does Shaikh still remember me? I was the woman who called Shaikh, who complained about her husband who had remarried"

"Did that happen?" Shaikh asked.

The woman told me, and then the woman said, "I have one request?"

"You advise the wives to tell their husbands to remarry!"

"If that's his request, I don't want to grant it," replied Shaikh Said bin Musfir Al-Qahtani.

I finally found out that ta'addud was good for the first wife, the 2nd & the people in general.

Indonesian is great to give the name "DIMADU", because it is elegant for the first wife.... Yes, if you use it well & live sincerely. (sanusin)

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