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The benefits of eggs for pregnant and lactating women

It feels like there will be no end to discussing the benefits based on this one food. Benefits of the gym for thin women Eggs, in addition to being affordable, can be easy, easy to process, quick to serve, nutrient dense, and have a myriad of health benefits. In this case we will discuss the special benefits of eggs for pregnant &lactating mothers.

Many experts recommend eggs for expectant mothers. In addition to being rich in proteins, healthy fats, & minerals, eggs are mainly high in choline. Choline has been recognized as having crucial benefits for the development of the early nervous system & brain of the fetus. Not only because choline is important for the fetus, eggs also provide good nutrition for the health of the pregnant mak itself.

Read jua : Efficacy & Benefits of Eggs for healthNext some of the crucial benefits of eggs for pregnant & lactating mothers :Preventing neural tube defects in babies

In some studies, women who have a choline level of 72% or less have the possibility of giving birth to babies with a more grand neural tube stigma. This is for example the condition spina of the spine & anencephaly or the absence of all or part of it according to the brain at birth. Because this neurological defect can occur in the early development of the fetus, a mother who is pregnant or wants to get pregnant must start eating eggs. Babies who are born smarter

Rats and other animals in laboratory studies whose mother's diet was given additional choline during pregnancy had children who were judged to have higher cognitive function after choline supplementation should not be allowed. If you want to have a clever baby, eat eggs! Delivers high-quality protein

Eggs are not only rich in choline, but they are the origin of high-quality protein that is easy to digest. Eggs are also derived from several vitamins & lutein, which are also very crucial, especially for the health of the mak and the growth of the fetus. if you want to get more benefits according to eggs, consume native chicken eggs because they contain higher luein &other nutrients. Prevents anxiety &depression for pregnant women

As published in, researchers based on Cornell University examined changes in "epigenetic markers" – that is, chemicals attached to DNA that hypnotize how our genes work. The study involved 26 groups of pregnant women in the third trimester. Some women are given a choline supplement of 480mg per day (the recommended amount), while others are given 930mg of choline per day.

This study found that pregnant women who were given a more large dose of choline got more chemicals spiked into DNA, which alters the genes that regulate hormonal activity in the body.

Genes that regulate the production of cortisol (a hormone previously associated with the risk of stress &lifelong metabolic disorders) are rejected, as a result of which levels in the baby's blood amount to 33% lower. Prof Eva Pressman, who led the study, revealed that mothers suffering from anxiety &depression(a condition due to heightening cortisol levels), were able to receive the benefits of choline as a protective measure. He also said that choline intake can change the expression of the fetus to adulthood, ad interim is a high dose given hapir there are no side effects. Reduces the risk of cancer

Although a woman is not pregnant &breastfeeding, eggs may be beautiful as an addition to a daily healthy diet. Women who have good blood choline levels are less likely to make pay*dara cancer and liver cancer. Men will also benefit according to good choline intake. So don't bother eating scrambled eggs, hard-boiled eggs, or egg omelettes, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner. Eggs are delicious & good for you.Choline needs for bumil and breastfeeding

Pregnant women need at least 450mg of choline per day, ad interim that breastfeeding women need 550 mg per day(USDA guidelines). Breastfeeding mothers also need to continue to put the benefits of choline for their babies while being cared for. A balanced pregnant woman's diet may be only a slight chance of a choline deficiency, but many women have a much lower level. An egg provides approximately 126 mg of choline per day, which when combined with a good diet is a good way to maintain high choline intake in pregnant and lactating women.

Women who lack protein may be able to suffice it using adding 2 or even 3 eggs a day. Other foods that are high in choline are beef, chicken liver & wheat. Small amounts of choline are found in milk, fish, nuts, & broccoli. Our body also produces choline according to several other vitamins and minerals, however the body cannot form choline in sufficient quantities without being given a culinary high in choline .

Choline supplements can also be obtained according to drugstores, but synthetic choline is more obsolete to be absorbed by the body. The simple, easy, cheap & natural way is to get choline using eating one or two eggs a day. But make sure the egg has been cooked using validity, which is until the yolk is firm & dense. Note:

For the past 40 years, we have been warned not to consume too poly eggs, because they are considered capable of raising cholesterol levels. But recent studies have found that consuming eggs in relative quantities will not increase cholesterol levels, as a result of which eggs are an addition to a very healthy diet.

if you use a history of high cholesterol, try to consult with your doctor before consuming eggs. But most doctors already know that eggs do not provide significant cholesterol to the diet. Eggs are a relatively low-calorie food, but rich in benefits, as a result of which an egg a day will not interfere with your diet. But if you are allergic to chicken eggs, you may be able to try duck eggs, which also have the same benefits.

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